2024 GYEC China Division Final Round Enrollment


We are thrilled to inform you that your team has been selected for the final round of the 2024 Global Youth Entrepreneurial Competition (GYEC) ! This is an incredible achievement, and we can’t wait for you to join us in this exciting event, where you will have the opportunity to meet exceptional peers from various schools and diverse backgrounds.

The 2024 GYEC China Final Round will take place  in-person in Chengdu, China. We have outlined the details for the final round:


2024 GYEC China Final Round + UCSB-GYEC Pre-College Program (In-person) 

Dates: July 21 – July 31 

Location: Chengdu, China

If you choose this option, you will have the chance to experience the competition and the UCSB-GYEC Pre-College Program in-person in Hangzhou, China. From July 21 to July 29, you will attend a college-level course on Entrepreneurship Mindset taught by a UCSB professor, engage in workshops conducted by industry professionals, and visit renowned laboratories and top companies in Chengdu. On July 30, you will deliver your pitch video and participate in the Q&A session. Finally, on July 31, you will join the award ceremony. Completing both the competition and the program will earn you TWO college credits, an official transcript from UCSB, a recommendation letter from a UCSB professor, as well as a GYEC scholarship/certificate.

We are excited to have you join us for this exceptional event and look forward to witnessing your talent and passion firsthand. Make the most of this opportunity to showcase your entrepreneurial skills and network with like-minded individuals from around the world.